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Author: fnaith

優化 SQL:語法與資料庫的最佳化應用

優化 SQL:語法與資料庫的最佳化應用

簡介 本書從基礎開始,一步一步引導讀者學習實用的最佳化技巧。作者首先解釋SQL最佳化的基礎概念,並以不同表連接的方式解釋其對效能的影響。在有了基本知識後,才會教讀者如何正確地對資料表收集統計資料,然後進一步推算SQL指令的成本,完成真正有效的最佳化。



簡介 本書的作者以自己的經歷為基礎,歸納出一套適合內向型性格的職場生存之道。由於上個年代大多數的企業需要喜歡自吹自擂、主動出擊的工作方式,因此現在許多公司普遍推崇外向型性格的人才,但也同時排擠了內向型性格的人才,這事實上給企業帶來了許多危機。 本書從職場的各個面向著手,介紹一套完整的方法,讓你能發揮身為內向者的優點,即使不假裝成外向者也能讓你的光芒被看見。



簡介 本書認為在往後的科技時代,工程師的職涯也會將有所變化。雖說工程師這種職業在未來只會越來越重要,然而正是因為如此,才更應該學習其他輔助技能,呈上時代的潮流使自己的價值水漲船高。成長的方向大致分為兩種 : 除了專案知識,也要培養溝通能力,跟不同領域的人士交流 要做職涯規劃以及成長策略

創意不足?用TRIZ40則發明原理幫您解決! :不用再羨慕日本人的創意!

創意不足?用TRIZ40則發明原理幫您解決! :不用再羨慕日本人的創意!

簡介 Triz是專利官Genrich Altshuller從專利案件中歸納出來的問題解決方法,他發現許多 問題的根源都來自於兩種特性結合在一起時所導致的矛盾。比方說希望提升機翼結構的強度就需要增加重量,然而重量太重就可能飛不起來,結構強度與物質的重量兩種特性導致了矛盾。 Triz整理出了39種特性參數,而這39種特性參數形成大小為39×39的矛盾矩陣,Triz則為這些矛盾歸納出了40種解決方法,在本書的矩陣中可以對每一種矛盾查到多個解決方案。Triz的使用方法為 : 選出一組矛盾組合,選出適用的特性參數,選擇發明原理,嘗試解決問題。以剛才的機翼問題為例,矛盾參數為 :



簡介 本書介紹了一系列優秀的學習方法,這些方法能協助讀者以高自主性與高強度的方式去獲得知識或技能,以規劃、測驗、學習為核心迴圈交互作用,形成能自我激勵的學習方法。 即使讀者沒有像副標題一樣誇張的目標,用書中的方法改善自己的學習方式也一定能帶來極大的收穫。

After Umbraseal finished

After Umbraseal finished

We recently finished《Umbraseal》game flow update. Although we cannot keep adding new features, because of budget issue. We found this game has marketing and planing issue rather than development issue. According to player feedback, 《Umbraseal》is playable but missing some feedback. More importantly, we don’t know how to show what unique experience this game provided to player. However, we still gain a lots of feedback and experience from making this game. And we have ability to ship a game from design to…

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Prepare to finish Umbraseal

Prepare to finish Umbraseal

After Steam Early Access and few times of update. We find special bullet is not as fun as we expected. On the other hand, we also realize our budget cannot afford scenario material of story. Current material already consume our last budget, but the quality still under excepted. So instead of presenting roughly made story, we decide to reorder game flow for change the game style. We want to adjust difficulty and game flow. We tend to make Umbraseal more…

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Revisit Danmaku made by Haxe

Revisit Danmaku made by Haxe

Almost one year ago. I decide to implement a Danmaku System which follows Touhou Danmakufu(th_dnh for short)’s API and make many bullet patterns for our Early Access game 《Umbraseal》. Now th_dnh becomes open source software, I want to learn the design decision from original version for improving our work. Before we diving this topic, I have to declare that I don’t mean to judge th_dnh’s design. Like we discussed in previous article, this software creates the most bullet pattern in…

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Umbraseal is now on Steam Early Access!

Umbraseal is now on Steam Early Access!

After months of working, Umbraseal finally joins Steam Early Access! All enemy shoot bullets like crazy! 《Umbraseal》is a bullet-hell dungeon crawler top-down shooter. On the first week after early access, we will focus on bug fixing and roadmap planning. We already mention some features on our early access Q&A. However, it is still need some plan about task scheduling and communication with our players. Because as an early access game, we believe listening player’s feedback is very important. You can…

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Prepare for Early Access

Prepare for Early Access

This month we decide to add shadow ability, new level theme and traps. BTW, Umbraseal becomes pre-beta on . To meet game title, our heroine now has shadow ability. Shadow ability contains two phase: Right click to release Umbra : Umbra is a shadow entity that attack with player Each hit from Umbra increases shadow charge Right click again to release Penumbra: Penumbra is a shadow entity that release shadow power. The effect of shadow power is decided by…

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