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Tag: Haxe

Revisit Danmaku made by Haxe

Revisit Danmaku made by Haxe

Almost one year ago. I decide to implement a Danmaku System which follows Touhou Danmakufu(th_dnh for short)’s API and make many bullet patterns for our Early Access game 《Umbraseal》. Now th_dnh becomes open source software, I want to learn the design decision from original version for improving our work. Before we diving this topic, I have to declare that I don’t mean to judge th_dnh’s design. Like we discussed in previous article, this software creates the most bullet pattern in…

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Enemy behavior and bullet pattern

Enemy behavior and bullet pattern

This month focus on adjusting enemy behavior and bullet pattern for gameplay. For enemy behavior, we need they perform flexible movement and attack. So an enemy will chase player to the death, yet keep distance with other characters. Once in right position, enemy will start to surround player like a satellite. Also, enemy will attack constantly. Combine those movement could create a flow. Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. For bullet pattern, we adjust fire speed and…

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A little more action, please

A little more action, please

To solve the “game is too easy” issue from players’ feedback, we make all character can do more action. In Shoot ’em up, player can focus on dodging without distraction because bullets usually come from single direction. However, bullets come from any angle in Umbraseal. In that case, player become helpless when facing bullets unless we reduce bullet number (like we did). So that is why players consider this game is to easy. New solution is to provide a “Dash”…

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The TDD, the BDD and the requirements

The TDD, the BDD and the requirements

In previous article, we decide to change many system for enhancing game experience. Unfortunately, AI behavior and skill are typical complex system that need access information from environment and change some status. It is hard to prevent bug when changing a system which heavily depend on the interactions with other systems. Turns out, we need testing. Because there are so many system and functionality, it is important to separate irrelevant codes and what we want to modify. To regularize exist…

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Umbraseal First Pass Demo

Umbraseal First Pass Demo

In the last month of 2018, we finally finished the first pass demo and start to design polished version features. Fortunately, there are people would play first pass demo even graphics and UI are bit rough now. According to their precious advice, we find what players expected in this genre. Primary feedback as following: Guidance – tutorial for goal and skill, mini map Balance – enemies are too easy, need more AI behavior Aesthetics – every area looks same,…

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Decoration and furnishing for dungeon

Decoration and furnishing for dungeon

This month, we focus on adding enemy ability and decorating generated dungeon. As Cogmind’s author mentioned, most traditional roguelike has pretty barren environment. In our game, Umbraseal, we use two process to make dungeon more interesting: Decoration for building structure Placing furnishing by area For decorating building structure, we define stage theme config by Tiled editor. Currently, each layer in tiled map present different part of dungeon skin. For wide space like wall or floor, their config layer allow multiple…

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Danmaku made by Haxe

Danmaku made by Haxe

To build a bullet hell / roguelike game we need both dungeon generator and bullet pattern engine. In Tunneling Maze Generator, we build a framework for dungeon generator. Now we need to decide what kind of bullet pattern engine to use. AFAIK, there are many types of bullet pattern engine. BulletML which is used by Enter the Gungeon; Touhou Danmakufu which can make Touhou Project-style game; and other engines like STGBuilder, LuaSTG, DanmakU .etc has their own followers. In some way, all these engines use fire-subfire model. In this model, each shot is usually…

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